Best day to travel to Yelagiri Hills

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Best day to travel to Yelagiri Hills

If you travel to Yelagiri Hills during a long weekend, your list of common complaints will include lack of time, noisy and crowded streets, poor service, and a lot of traffic among other things. In order to avoid lousy travel experience, you should not travel during long weekends. You can plan your trip on a regular weekend or weekdays. You can even plan for a week-long or month-long trip to get huge discounts on your room prices.

The best season to travel to Yelagiri Hills is from November to February. Even in this best season, the best day to travel to Yelagiri Hills is on regular weekends. If you even want to save some money, you can take one day leave-off (Monday or Firday), and plan for 2 days trip to Yelagiri Hills. You need to note that taking one day-off is worth than wasting the whole long weekend due to the reason listed here.

If you book your room on weekdays (Monday to Thursday), you will surely get a discounted rates on the room prices. It will be even less crowded on weekdays. Hence, you can explore the sightseeing places more freely. You don't have to worry about taking a selfie wihtout having others in the background if you travle on weekdays. If you visit Fundera Park on week days, there will be less crowd and you can spend more time with the birds and animals to take wonderful photos.

Elite Resort offers attractive discount rates for week-long or month-long trips. Weekday discount is also available. You can call Elite resort number (+91 9345600289) to know about the discount rates. Elite resort is one among the best resorts in Yelagiri Hills. So, you can plan your stay in Elite Resort in advance. To book the rooms in Elite resort, you can click here or you can call our number for direct booking.

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